Monday, November 7, 2011

Lights On or Off?

Friday I was reading an article online about something that really took me off guard. The Washington Post reported that since Highland Park, Michigan could no longer afford to pay the $4 million dollar electric bill due, the city officials opted to turn off a total of 1,000 streetlights – immediately. If this wasn’t bad enough, the directive didn’t just stop with the power being turned off. Oh no, the story continues. Not only did the lights shut down in this high crime ridden area, but city employees proceeded to rip out the poles, bulbs, wiring, and everything else that aided the system to provide light. So now when night falls, it is pitched black unless light flows from the neighborhood homes or one of the very few remaining streetlights standing at the end of the block. In lieu of this situation, I want to pose this question to you today, “is your day or life situations really that bad?”

In our cases, the darkness we allow into our lives doesn’t come from night fall or the lack of physical light sources in our neighborhood or homes. The darkness we experience often mirrors back as a reflection from within. How? With our personal attitudes, outlooks, and every day interactions (whether it is with close girlfriends, acquaintances, co-workers, or similar individuals). We dictate how our day will go and also exhibit our REAL attitudes with our reactions to situations that “pop up.” Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to give the impression that every day is bucket of sun drops and perfectly poised roses, because we all know differently. What I am saying is that making an effort to see and walk in the light instead of being grumpy and bitter in the darkness makes the difference in how others perceive you and also shifts your worst day into a good one.

So tell me, how have you responded today? Did you provide the latest gossip this week? Decide to gripe about your job, your weekend, your boyfriend, co-worker, or the like? Or did you actually have a positive and warm conversation? Did you turn on the lights or remain in darkness? This week become mindful of your heart attitude and thoughts throughout the day. Ladies, I mean really challenge yourselves to see only the best throughout the day, even if it feels like the day really sucks. Then come back and share your stories under this blog about what you have noticed during the week. I know you’re going to be surprised by how your week can turn around! “Let there be light!”

For further reading, check out:

John 3:19-21

Ephesians 4:29

Philippians 2:14

Philippians 4:8

The article can be found at:

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